路由# 321076470

理解 社会保障福利 & 退休年龄

2024年4月2日 7分钟

社会保障是一项联邦福利计划,旨在为退休人员提供收入来源, and for those whose qualifying spouse has died. Most jobs deduct 社会保障 taxes from your paycheck, 你的社会保障福利是基于你工作的年数和你挣的钱.

社会保障福利 are not intended to be your only source of retirement income. 你可能需要其他储蓄, 投资, 养老金, or retirement accounts to make sure you have enough money when you retire. (There are also 社会保障福利 for people who cannot work due to a 残疾, but this article is primarily about 社会保障 as a source of income for retirees.)

谁有资格 社会保障福利?

你. 如果你年满62岁,并且已经工作并缴纳了10年以上的社会保障税,你就有资格享受社会保障福利. 有些工作——比如州和地方政府的职位——不缴纳社会保障税,因此不符合资格.
你的现任或前任配偶. 根据婚姻状况,配偶可以享受社会保障福利——即使他们已经10年或更长时间没有工作或缴纳社会保障税. 社会保障局(SSA)将考虑你的工作经历和社会保障税来确定你的资格和福利.
根据SSA的说法, 处于民事结合或家庭伴侣关系等非婚姻法律关系中的人可能有权享有与已婚人士相同的福利.1
你的孩子们. They may be eligible for a monthly benefit if they are unmarried and under the age of 18 (or if they are 18 or 19 years old and attend elementary or high school full time) and you are retired or disabled; they may also be eligible if they have a 残疾.
SSA提供了一个 有用的工具 确定获得福利的资格.

类型的 社会保障福利

你 can apply for 社会保障 online at ssa.gov /应用. There are four primary types of 社会保障福利:

  • 退休福利 当你减少工作时间或完全停止工作时,每月的支票是否会取代你的部分收入. Because it may not replace all your income, it is important to have a retirement plan.
  • 社会保障 Disability 保险 (SSDI) 如果你工作的时间足够长——而且是最近——并为你的收入缴纳社会保障税,你和某些家庭成员就会得到福利.
  • 补充保障收入(SSI) is paid to eligible adults and children if they have little or no income, 而且几乎没有资源, 还有残疾, 失明, 或者年龄在65岁以上.
  • 幸存者的好处 are paid to widows, widowers, and dependents of eligible workers.

配偶和. 幸存者的好处

配偶福利适用于62岁或以上的配偶,他们没有工作或没有足够的积分来获得自己的社会保障. 配偶可以得到的最高报酬是其配偶在完全退休年龄时有权获得的福利的一半.

与此同时, 当配偶去世时, the surviving spouse is entitled to file for a survivors benefit as early as age 60. The benefit is reduced if the survivor files prior to reaching their full retirement age, 如果他们的福利高于幸存者的福利,他们可以在符合条件的时候(到70岁)改用自己的社会保障福利.



是如何 社会保障福利的计算?

你的社会保障福利是用你35年的平均指数化月收入(AIME)来计算的. This average is then used to determine the primary insurance amount (PIA), 你的福利依据是什么.

计算PIA, the SSA determines the three portions of AIME that will be used in the calculation. (这些范围有助于确保福利在全国工人之间公平分配.)


  • AIME头1174美元的90%
  • 32% of AIME over $1,174 and through $7,078
  • 超过7,078美元的15%.

例如, 以下是如何使用PIA和假设AIME为5美元来计算社会保障福利,000 for a worker retiring at full retirement age in 2024:

  • AIME头1174美元的90% = $1,056.60
  • 32% of AIME over $1,174 and through $7,078 = $1,941.12
  • 超过7708美元的15% = 0美元

因此,工人的PIA为 $2,997.70. (The amount is rounded down to the nearest ten cents.)

我如何找到我的 社会保障福利金额?

你 can check your 社会保障 account to see your benefit amount. 你r online 社会保障 statement provides secure, convenient access to estimates for retirement, 残疾, 幸存者的福利. 你 can easily set up your personal 社会保障 account at ssa.gov / myaccount.

To keep up with inflation, benefits are adjusted through cost-of-living adjustments.

什么是法定退休年龄 社会保障?

你r full retirement age is a point in time between age 66 and 67, which is used by the SSA to determine your benefit amount, 还有你家人的福利. No matter what your full retirement age is, your payment will be higher the longer you wait to apply, 直到70岁.

社会保障 退休年龄表

你的出生年份 你的法定退休年龄
1943-1954 66
1955 66岁零两个月
1956 66岁零4个月
1957 66岁零6个月
1958 66岁零8个月
1959 66个月零十个月
1960 67


采取 提前社保

你 can begin receiving 社会保障福利 before your full retirement age, as early as age 62 — but if you start early, your benefit will be less than if you wait until your full retirement age. 从退休日期到完全退休年龄,你的福利每月会减少1%的5/9, 最长36个月, 然后是1%的5/12. 这种减少是永久性的——一旦你达到完全退休年龄,你就没有资格获得福利增加.

Even though your monthly benefit will be less, 如果你等到完全退休年龄,你可能会得到相同或更多的终身福利. That’s because even though you’ll receive less per month, you might receive benefits over a longer period of time.

同样的道理也适用于你将退休福利推迟到法定退休年龄之后. 你的福利将以一定的百分比永久增加,直到最高年龄70岁. 对于1943年或之后出生的人来说,每月的百分比是1%的2/3,或每年的8%.

The following chart shows how much a monthly benefit of $2,如果在67岁的完全退休年龄提前或晚于完全退休年龄,那么在67岁的完全退休年龄领取的工资都是值得的. 例如, 如下图所示, 这2美元,000美元的福利值1美元,如果在62岁时服用,则为400, 和2美元,70岁时服用480毫克.

This hypothetical illustration is based on 社会保障局 rules. 实际结果会有所不同.


The example above uses the average benefit amount for 2022. For a person whose full retirement age (FRA) is 67, it shows the cost of waiting and the benefit of waiting. (This is sample data for illustrative purposes only. 每个人每月的福利会根据出生年份、工作经历和其他因素而有所不同.)

社会保障福利 应纳税的?

Roughly 40% of people who receive 社会保障 must pay federal income taxes2 关于他们的好处. This usually happens if you’re earning other substantial income — including wages, 自雇收入, 感兴趣, 股息, 以及其他必须在你的纳税申报单上报告的应税收入——除了你的福利.


  • file an individual federal tax return and your combined income is
    • 在25,000美元到34,000美元之间,你可能需要为高达50%的福利缴纳所得税,或者
    • more than $34,000, up to 85% of your benefits may be 应纳税的.
  • file a joint return with a combined income that is
    • 在32,000美元到44,000美元之间,你可能需要为高达50%的福利缴纳所得税,或者
    • more than $44,000, up to 85% of your benefits may be 应纳税的.
  • are married and file a separate tax return, you will probably pay taxes on your benefits.

你 can work and collect 社会保障福利 at the same time, 但是,如果你还没到完全退休年龄,你能挣多少钱,还能得到多少福利,是有年收入限制的. (2023年,这一上限为21240美元.) Once you’ve reached your full retirement age, there is no limit on how much you can earn and still receive benefits.

To set yourself up for a successful retirement, 与财务顾问合作以更好地了解你的退休收入并制定退休计划是很重要的. Patelco members have complimentary access to a CFS3 财务顾问咨询. Learn how to reach your retirement goals — schedule your financial advisor consultation today.

1 社会保障局, “Check Eligibility of 社会保障福利,1月10日访问, 2024.

2 CUSO Financial Services, LP does not provide tax advice. For such guidance, please consult a qualified tax professional.

3 非存款投资产品和服务是通过CUSO Financial services, L.P. (“CFS”), a registered broker-dealer (Member 美国金融业监管局/SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Products offered through CFS: are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, are not guarantees or obligations of the credit union, and may involve investment risk including possible loss of principal. Investment Representatives are registered through CFS. Patelco信用合作社已与CFS签订合同,为信用合作社成员提供非存款投资产品和服务.

